Our Sponsors
Story About
What We Do
Empowering Services focuses on several areas of services and ministry in order to change the lives of inmates, victims, families, and communities from a lifetime of dispair. We aim to change lives one person, one family, and one victim at a time.
Become a Sponsor
Your sponsorship will help us to continue servicing inmates, their loved ones, and victims.
Inmate Services
I was in prison and you came to Me. Matthew 25:36. Includes basic spiritual and life skills training.
Make Donation
Your donation goes towards spiritually and physically educating prisoners, victims, and their families.
Become A Volunteer
Ask about our guidlines to become an ESI volunteer.

2021 Annual Jail Ministry Fundraising Banquet - TBD
Held at the Washtenaw Community College - Morris Lawrence Building
4800 E. Huron River Dr. 48105.
Date and Time, TBD.
Donation: $50 per ticket, which automatically enters you into the raffle.
All donations go toward helping indigent inmates spiritually and physically.
4800 E. Huron River Dr. 48105.
Date and Time, TBD.
Donation: $50 per ticket, which automatically enters you into the raffle.
All donations go toward helping indigent inmates spiritually and physically.
KDonation Avg Per Year
+Indigent Packets Per Year
+Classes Per Year
Become a Sponsor
Help us change the lives of those who needs community support and prayer