About This Charity

The mission of the Empowering Services Inc. (ESI) is to equip, inspire, and empower the forgotten, the ignored, and the broken to live their best life.  Our hope is that you can help us through volunteering, teaching, and donations.

Your Donation Is Helping Us to Change Lives

We thank you for your gift and generousity.  All donations are tax-deductible.  We are a 501(3c) Non-Profit Corporpation.  Please contact us if you have any questions.

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Contact Info

Have questions about our services, sponsorship, 
volunteering, or becoming a speaking?
We want to hear from you
734.277.0754 or 734.474.1281

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Help us change the lives of those who needs community support and prayer
Empowering Services Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
You donations are tax deductable.

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